Source code for nxmetis.enums

import enum

__all__ = ['MetisPType', 'MetisObjType', 'MetisCType', 'MetisIPType',
           'MetisRType', 'MetisNumbering', 'MetisDbgLvl', 'MetisRStatus']

[docs]class MetisPType(enum.IntEnum): """Partitioning method.""" default = -1 """Default partitioning method.""" rb = 0 """Multilevel recursive bisectioning.""" kway = 1 """Multilevel `k`-way partitioning."""
[docs]class MetisObjType(enum.IntEnum): """Type of objective.""" default = -1 """Default type of objective.""" cut = 0 """Edge-cut minimization.""" vol = 1 """Total communication volume minimization."""
[docs]class MetisCType(enum.IntEnum): """Catching scheme to be used during coarsening.""" default = -1 """Default catching scheme.""" rm = 0 """Random matching.""" shem = 1 """Sorted heavy-edge matching."""
[docs]class MetisIPType(enum.IntEnum): """Algorithm used during initial partitioning.""" default = -1 """Default method for initial partitioning.""" grow = 0 """Grow a bisection using a greedy strategy.""" random = 1 """Compute a bisection at random followed by a refinement.""" edge = 2 """Derive a separator from an edge cut.""" node = 3 """Grow a bisection using a greedy node-based strategy."""
[docs]class MetisRType(enum.IntEnum): """Algorithm used for refinement.""" default = -1 """Default method used for refinement.""" fm = 0 """FM-based cut refinement.""" greedy = 1 """Greedy-based cut and volume refinement.""" sep2sided = 2 """Two-sided node FM refinement.""" sep1sided = 3 """One-sided node FM refinement."""
[docs]class MetisNumbering(enum.IntEnum): """Numbering scheme is used for the adjacency structure of a graph or the element-node structure of a mesh.""" default = -1 """Default numbering scheme.""" zero = 0 """C-style zero-based numbering.""" one = 1 """Fortran-style one-based numbering."""
[docs]class MetisDbgLvl(enum.IntEnum): """Amount of progress/debugging information will be printed during the execution of the algorithms. Can be combined by bit-wise OR.""" default = -1 """Display default statistics.""" info = 1 """Print various diagnostic messages.""" time = 2 """Perform timing analysis.""" coarsen = 4 """Display various statistics during coarsening.""" refine = 8 """Display various statistics during refinement.""" ipart = 16 """Display various statistics during initial partitioning.""" moveinfo = 32 """Display detailed information about vertex moves during refinement.""" sepinfo = 64 """Display information about vertex separators.""" conninfo = 128 """Display information related to the minimization of subdomain connectivity.""" contiginfo = 256 """Display information related to the elimination of connected components."""
@enum.unique class MetisRStatus(enum.IntEnum): """Return codes by METIS.""" ok = 1 """Returned normally.""" error_input = -2 """Returned due to erroneous inputs and/or options.""" error_memory = -3 """Returned due to insufficient memory.""" error = -4 """Some other errors."""