Source code for nxmetis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2015 ysitu <>
# All rights reserved

Wrappers of METIS graph partitioning functions.

import contextlib
import decorator
import itertools
import sys

import networkx as nx
import six

from nxmetis import enums
from nxmetis import exceptions
from nxmetis import metis
from nxmetis import types

__all__ = ['node_nested_dissection', 'partition', 'vertex_separator',

MetisOptions = types.MetisOptions

def _zero_numbering(options):
    """Temporarily force zero-based numbering."""
    if options:
        numbering = options.numbering
        options.numbering =
        if options:
            options.numbering = numbering

def _convert_graph(G):
    """Convert a graph to the numbered adjacency list structure expected by
    index = dict(zip(G, list(range(len(G)))))
    xadj = [0]
    adjncy = []
    for u in G:
        adjncy.extend(index[v] for v in G[u])
    return xadj, adjncy

def _convert_exceptions(convert_type, catch_types=None):
    """Decorator to convert types of exceptions

    convert_type : subclass of Exception
        Target type to convert to.

    catch_types : tuple of subclasses of Exception, optional
        Source types whose instances are to be caught and converted. If None,
        all instances of Exception will be caught and converted.

    _convert_exceptions : function
        Function that performs exception type conversion.

    Decorate functions like this::

        @_convert_exceptions(nx.NetworkXError, (ValueError,))
        def function():
    def _convert_exceptions(func, *args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        except catch_types as e:
            exc = e
        except Exception as e:
            if catch_types is not None:
            exc = sys.exc_info()
        six.reraise(convert_type, convert_type(exc[1]), exc[2])
    return _convert_exceptions

    nx.NetworkXError, (ValueError, TypeError, exceptions.MetisError))
[docs]def node_nested_dissection(G, weight='weight', options=None): """Compute a node ordering of a graph that reduces fill when the Laplacian matrix of the graph is LU factorized. The algorithm aims to minimize the sum of weights of vertices in separators computed in the process. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph A graph. weight : object, optional The data key used to determine the weight of each node. If None, each node has unit weight. Default value: 'weight'. options : MetisOptions, optional METIS options. If None, the default options are used. Default value: None. Returns ------- perm : list of nodes The node ordering. Raises ------ NetworkXError If the parameters cannot be converted to valid METIS input format, or METIS returns an error status. """ if len(G) == 0: return [] vwgt = [G.node[u].get(weight, 1) for u in G] if all(w == 1 for w in vwgt): vwgt = None xadj, adjncy = _convert_graph(G) with _zero_numbering(options): perm = metis.node_nd(xadj, adjncy, vwgt, options)[0] nodes = list(G) perm = [nodes[i] for i in perm] return perm
@nx.utils.not_implemented_for('directed') @nx.utils.not_implemented_for('multigraph') @_convert_exceptions( nx.NetworkXError, (ValueError, TypeError, exceptions.MetisError))
[docs]def partition(G, nparts, node_weight='weight', node_size='size', edge_weight='weight', tpwgts=None, ubvec=None, options=None, recursive=False): """Partition a graph using multilevel recursive bisection or multilevel multiway partitioning. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph An undirected graph. nparts : int Number of parts to partition the graph. It should be at least 2. node_weight : object, optional The data key used to determine the weight of each node. If None, each node has unit weight. Default value: 'weight'. node_size : object, optional The data key used to determine the size of each node when computing the total communication volumne. If None, each node has unit size. Default value: 'size' edge_weight : object, optional The data key used to determine the weight of each edge. If None, each edge has unit weight. Default value: 'weight'. tpwgts : list of lists of floats, optional The target weights of the partitions and the constraints. The target weight of the `i`-th partition and the `j`-th constraint is given by ``tpwgts[i][j]`` (the numbering for both partitions and constraints starts from zero). For each constraint the sum of the ``tpwgts[][]`` entries must be 1.0 (i.e., `\sum_i \\text{tpwgts}[i][j] = 1.0`). If None, the graph is equally divided among the partitions. Default value: None. ubvec : list of floats, optional The allowed load imbalance tolerance for each constraint. For the `i`-th and the `j`-th constraint, the allowed weight is the ``ubvec[j] * tpwgts[i][j]`` fraction of the `j`-th constraint's total weight. The load imbalances must be greater than 1.0. If None, the load imbalance tolerance is 1.001 if there is exactly one constraint or 1.01 if there are more. Default value: None. options : MetisOptions, optional. METIS options. If None, the default options are used. Default value: None. recursive : bool, optional If True, multilevel recursive bisection is used. Otherwise, multileve multilevel multiway partitioning is used. Default value: False. Returns ------- objval : int The edge-cut or the total communication volume of the partitioning solution. The value returned depends on the partitioining's objective function. parts : lists of nodes The partitioning. Raises ------ NetworkXNotImplemented If the graph is directed or is a multigraph. NetworkXError If the parameters cannot be converted to valid METIS input format, or METIS returns an error status. """ if nparts < 1: raise nx.NetworkXError('nparts is less than one.') if nparts == 1: return 0, [list(G)] if len(G) == 0: return 0, [[] for i in range(nparts)] xadj, adjncy = _convert_graph(G) vwgt = [G.node[u].get(node_weight, 1) for u in G] if all(w == 1 for w in vwgt): vwgt = None vsize = [G.node[u].get(node_size, 1) for u in G] if all(w == 1 for w in vsize): vsize = None adjwgt = [G[u][v].get(edge_weight, 1) for u in G for v in G[u]] if all(w == 1 for w in adjwgt): adjwgt = None if tpwgts is not None: if len(tpwgts) != nparts: raise nx.NetworkXError('length of tpwgts is not equal to nparts.') ncon = len(tpwgts[0]) if any(len(tpwgts[j]) != ncon for j in range(1, nparts)): raise nx.NetworkXError( 'lists in tpwgts are not of the same length.') if ubvec is not None and len(ubvec) != ncon: raise nx.NetworkXError( 'ubvec is not of the same length as tpwgts.') tpwgts = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tpwgts)) with _zero_numbering(options): objval, part = metis.part_graph(xadj, adjncy, nparts, vwgt, vsize, adjwgt, tpwgts, ubvec, options, recursive) parts = [[] for i in range(nparts)] for u, i in zip(G, part): parts[i].append(u) return objval, parts
@nx.utils.not_implemented_for('directed') @nx.utils.not_implemented_for('multigraph') @_convert_exceptions( nx.NetworkXError, (ValueError, TypeError, exceptions.MetisError))
[docs]def vertex_separator(G, weight='weight', options=None): """Compute a vertex separator that bisects a graph. The algorithm aims to minimize the sum of weights of vertices in the separator. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph A graph. weight : object, optional The data key used to determine the weight of each node. If None, each node has unit weight. Default value: 'weight'. options : MetisOptions, optional METIS options. If None, the default options are used. Default value: None. Returns ------- sep, part1, part2 : lists of nodes The separator and the two parts of the bisection represented as lists. Raises ------ NetworkXError If the parameters cannot be converted to valid METIS input format, or METIS returns an error status. """ if len(G) == 0: return [], [], [] vwgt = [G.node[u].get(weight, 1) for u in G] if all(w == 1 for w in vwgt): vwgt = None xadj, adjncy = _convert_graph(G) with _zero_numbering(options): part = metis.compute_vertex_separator(xadj, adjncy, vwgt, options)[1] groups = [[], [], []] for u, i in zip(G, part): groups[i].append(u) return groups[2], groups[0], groups[1]